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At Whittington Primary School our curriculum, as approved by the Governing Body, is broad, balanced and inclusive to meet the needs of all our pupils within the requirements of the National Curriculum.

Our curriculum recognises the progression in knowledge and skills so that all pupils can recall and embed new learning and promotes the school values throughout all areas.

ImageWe believe that it is important that our pupils have an enriched learning experience. Therefore, we place great emphasis on providing opportunities for our pupils that they might not otherwise have, taking into account the local context.

We also understand the need to include constant review, reflection and renewal to ensure that we can achieve an ambitious and unique curriculum for our pupils.

ImageThrough this provision of rich and varied activities, we aim to:

  • Have high expectations for the progress and attainment of all pupils.
  • High standards of engagement alongside a focus on curriculum content.
  • Promote spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical developments of pupils
  • Make provision for personal, social, health and economic education
  • Promote fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.
  • Offer a range of cultural experiences for pupils and to develop an awareness of life beyond the local community.
  • Use every relevant subject to develop pupils' numeracy and mathematical reasoningImage
  • Develop pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary within all subjects.
  • Encourage characteristics of learning such as: risk taking, problem solving, perseverance, making links, being independent and self-motivation.
  • Prepare pupils for their next stage in their learning.
  • Consider what we want children to learn and experience during their time in school.
  • Develop and celebrate strengths, talents and interests.
  • Empower children to reflect on their learning using transferable skills and to promote a deep understanding by demonstrating recall of previous learning.

Delivering a relevant and engaging curriculum for our pupils.

ImageEach pupil will be taught Foundation subjects through a Creative learning theme. These themes are devised from key questions which are used to engage the pupils and meet the learning expectations for each year group as outlined by the National Curriculum.Image

Creative themes have been developed to cover a broad range of topics and skills to ensure that the coverage of the National curriculum has been met. Staff have structured this to ensure double year groups cover all learning objectives over a two year rolling programme.

ImageThe Whittington Passport

The school works hard to provide a varied and exciting curriculum for our children. For this reason, we have introduced a “Whittington Passport” which works alongside the Creative learning themes. The aim of this is to instil a love of learning where children can experience awe and wonder at the world around them and promote curiosity and develop individual interests and experiences. All stakeholders have contributed to the development of this enriched curriculum which also embraces our school context, values and community.

Please see our individual subject statements and progression maps for more information.