Equal Opportunities Policy and Objectives
The school is committed to equal opportunities for all and this is reflected in our Equal Opportunities Policy. We aim to ensure that all individuals develop to the best of their ability regardless of race, gender or disability. The school has a Disability Equality Scheme and wherever possible pupils with disabilities are successfully integrated into the school. The governors monitor the policy with the intention of making sure all children gain maximum access to the curriculum.
Equality Objectives 2021-2024
The Governing Body have set the following Equality Objectives for 2021-2024. These will be monitored by the Governing Body regularly, and reviewed annually.
- To ensure that all pupils – including the more able – are challenged appropriately in their learning so that all pupils make expected or better than expected progress from their end of Key Stage data.
This will be evidenced through:
- monitoring planning and learning outcomes in books
- Pupil voice
- Analysis of external data and termly analysis of internal data to identify strengths and any issues for action
- To minimise the impact of mobility on the attainment and progress of pupils who arrive new to school during the academic year so that progress and attainment gaps, compared to the cohort, are reduced.
This will be evidenced through:
- Use of teacher assessments to baseline pupils on arrival and identify any gaps in learning
- Service pupil coordinator
- Meetings of MK Club
- Leaflets for new arrivals (pupils and parents)
- Pupil and parent voice
- To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experience, both in and beyond the school so that our pupils are well-prepared for life in the wider community
This will be evidenced through:
- Trip
- Assembliess
- Visitors
- SMSC folder
- School and national curriculum including RE, PSHE, Geography etc