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Mental Health and Well-being advice for pupils.

The School Council have designed a poster to support pupils with their worries. They have shown this to the rest of the school in an assembly, and we will revisit it each week so that pupils are confident with the process. 


In school we are always talking about mindfulness and how this can help you to feel better. Below are a range of strategies for you to try. See which ones work best for you!


Below are some great tips on how to get the best sleep as we all know to be at our very best we need a good nights sleep!

Helpful links for parents

Emotionally Based School Avoidance Video for Parents & Carers ( 

Parents/ Carers EBSA Guidance | Support Services for Education 

School Anxiety and Refusal | Parent Guide to Support | YoungMinds 

Not Fine in School - School Refusal, School Attendance 

Resources for families | Children's Commissioner for England ( 

How do I deal with school refusal and Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)? - Support for Parents from Action For Children 

SENDIASS SEND IASS - Staffordshire Family Partnership ( 

Parent Talk - Support for Parents from Action For Children 

SilverCloud. Making Space For Healthy Minds ( 

Emotionally based school avoidance parent workbook