Our Vision
Our aim is to develop Whittington Primary School as a school where:
Quality of Education
Through a well-planned, enriched curriculum that builds upon prior knowledge and skills, pupils are involved and inspired by their lessons so that they achieve their very best and gain a love of learning which will prepare them for their next steps in education.
Behaviour and Attitudes
In a highly nurturing environment, children develop into respectful, motivated, empathetic individuals, with positive attitudes towards each other and their learning and contribute actively to their school and the wider community.
Personal Development
At Whittington, school life enables pupils to have a wealth of enriched experiences and responsibilities, developing their character. Talents and interests are promoted and celebrated.
Leadership and Management
Strong, inspiring and supportive leadership at all levels, communicates an ambitious vision and high standards which ensures the best possible outcomes for all.
Awe and wonder are integral to our EYFS curriculum and children are nurtured, engaged and inspired to be the best they can be. A well-planned, play-based curriculum promotes risk-taking, exploration and develops respect and resilience in our children to prepare them for their next steps.